About the project
UrbFRail is the acronym for the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Project “Revitalisation of Inner-Urban Freight Rail Hubs”. The project’s mission is to enable spatial and transport planners to develop freight rail hubs to improve last-mile transport in inner parts of metropolitan cities.
Four metropolises Berlin, Stockholm, Warsaw and Katowice joined forces to bring rail freight back to the city, to shift more goods to rail and to shorten the last mile. Both shall release congested roads from freight transport.
The project partners jointly developed and tested tools, supporting the inner-urban freight rail hub development:
- A tool to screen possible areas for their suitability to develop a freight rail hub, the screening tool
- A tool to plan the development process of inner-urban freight rail hubs, the development tool
- A platform to share the experience gained, the learning platform
The tools were tested by the project partners at concrete locations and discussed with local stakeholders within peer review workshops.

Screening Tool
The screening tool, developed in UrbFRail, shall help transport planners to check whether locations are suitable to be developed into a rail freight hub.
The screening tool is assessing a suitability score based on information requested. The accuracy of the results very much depends on the level of detailed information provided by the user. The suitability score is calculated based on 16 criteria having different weight. Based on an expert discussion between the partners, the weights as well as rating has been defined. A maximum score of 835 may be reached. Although not scientifically evaluated, the screening tool provides a first estimation of suitability of a location to be developed into an urban freight rail hub. By precisely formulated questions, it supports the planner to collect necessary information.
UrbFRail Development Tool
The UrbFRail development tool shall provide guidance on how to plan and organise the development of urban freight rail hubs. The development tools focuses on the preparation and planning phase, helping urban and transport planners to take the first steps. The tool is organised along a development pathway, however, it is to be understood iteratively. Each of the process steps is explained. Many useful supporting elements have been developed, like a knowledge base, checklists or decision trees.
The development tool has been tested in all four pilot regions. To this purpose, partners organised peer review workshops involving relevant stakeholders. Documented feedback was used to finetune the tool.
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